JU Announcement

Dear all, your Mid Exam will be held on Monday 2/12/2024 at 4:00 pm.
The Exam Material is: –

Lec1: Introduction to Epidemiology
Lec2: Disease Causation
Lec3: Natural History of Diseases (Required slides in the exam: 1-24)
Lec4: Incident and Prevalence
Lec5: Association and Causation (Required slides in the exam: 1-21)
Activity1: History of Epidemiology (legionnaire’s disease – Not Required)
Activity2: Measures of Association in Epidemiology
Healthcare Management
Lec1: Health Management Introduction
Lec2: Management and Motivation
Lec3: Strategic in Healthcare (Required slides in the exam: 1-3, 9-11, 25-29)
Activity: Organizational Structure in Healthcare
Maternal and Child Health
Lec1: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.1)
Lec2: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.2)
Lec3: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.3)
Activity: Definitions of Pregnancy – Related and Maternal Mortality
Primary Health Care
Lec1: Introduction to Primary Healthcare
Lec2: Basic Concepts of Primary Health Care
Lec3: Health Education
Activity: Declaration of Astana
Good Luck!


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