JU Announcement

– Dear All , your Midterm Exam will be held on  3/12/2023
Exam Topics : ◊ Problem Solving ◊ Microsoft Excel Except Kappa

& your Final Exam will be held on  11/1/2024
Exam Topics : 🔻All Material🔻

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تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق لجان الدفعات

  1. CS info.
    1. Syllabus
    2. Explaining - Ju Exam
    3. https://juexams.com/moodle/
    4. Installing Office 365 (Steps)
    5. رموز دفعة ٠٢١
    6. رموز دفعة ٠٢٢
    7. رموز دفعة ٠٢٣
  2. Dr.Lama Files (pdf)
    1. Problem solving pt.1
    2. Problem solving pt.2A
    3. Problem solving pt.1 & pt.2A Solution
    4. Problem solving pt.2B
    5. Problem solving pt.2B Solution
    6. Problem solving (Extra Examples pt.1)
    7. Problem solving (Extra Examples pt.2)
    8. Excel (Sorting & Filtering)
    9. Excel (Advanced Filtering)
    10. Excel (Chart & Pie Chart)
    11. Excel (Central Tendency)
    12. Excel (Relationship between Variables)
    13. Excel (Test Mesurements pt.1)
    14. Excel (Test Measurement pt.2)
    15. Excel (Inter Rater Reliability - percent Agreement for Two Raters & Kappa)
    16. Access Notes
    17. Access Sheet & Solutions
    18. Health Informatics Notes
    19. Health Informatics Notes (Required ONLY)
    20. powerpoint presentation Notes
    21. powerpoint presentation Sheets & Solutions
    22. powerpoint presentation Sheet Solutions by Hind Shaker
  3. Dr.Lama Files
    1. Excel Training File 1 - Sorting, Filtering, Chart, Pie chart, IF function, Count IF, VLOOKUP
    2. Excel Training File - Filtering
    3. Excel Training File 2 - Central tendency, Dispersion, Relationship among variables, Test Mesurements
    4. Excel Training File Solution by Mas Nafoukh
    5. Access Training File
    6. Access File - Sheet
    7. powerpoint presentation Training File
    8. powerpoint presentation File - Sheet
  4. Lectures
    1. Problem Solving 1
    2. Problem Solving 2
    3. Problem Solving 3
    4. Problem Solving 4
    5. Problem Solving 5
    6. Problem Solving - Examples
    7. Problem Solving Revision
    8. Excel - Sorting and Filtering (0:00 - 23:48 ONLY Required) )
    9. Excel - Filtering ( Auto + Advanced )
    10. Excel - IF Function
    11. Excel - CountIF Function
    12. Excel - VLOOKUP Function
    13. Excel - Chart and Pie chart
    14. Excel - Chart and Pie chart (Additional)
    15. Excel - Central tendency, Dispersion & Relationship among variables
    16. Excel - Test measurements 1
    17. Excel - Test measurements 2
    18. Excel - Test measurements 3 (0:00 - 25:11 Required ONLY)
    19. Excel - Inter Rater Reliability - percent Agreement for Two Raters & Kappa
    20. Access - Tables (Input Mask Not Required)
    21. Access - Reports
    22. Access - Relations
    23. Access - Forms
    24. Access - Queries
    25. Access worksheet
    26. Health Informatics 1
    27. Health Informatics 2
    28. Health Informatics 3
    29. Powerpoint presentation 1
    30. Powerpoint presentation 2 & Review for Health Informatics
    31. Powepoint worksheet
  5. Supporting Videos
    1. Excel - Sorting One Column + Two Columns
    2. Excel - AutoFilter
    3. Excel - Advanced Filter
    4. Excel - IF function
    5. Excel - VLookup Function
    6. Excel - CountIF Function
    7. Excel - Creating Charts
    8. Excel - Formatting Chart Elements
    9. Excel - Central Tendency + Dispersion Functions
    10. Excel - Correlation + Covariance
    11. Excel - Test Measurements (Pivot Table)
    12. Excel - Kappa Statistics (Using Pivot Table)
    13. Access - Tables (pt.A)
    14. Access - Tables (pt.B)
    15. Access - Reports
    16. Access - Forms
    17. Access - Query (pt.A) - Data and Sort
    18. Access - Query (pt.B) - Simple, And, Or
    19. Access - Query (pt.C) - Sum, Max, Min....etc
  6. 023 Students' Summaries & Notebooks
    1. Health Informatics & Excel by Raya Abu Limon
    2. Excel by Mas Nafoukh
    3. Excel by Moath Abu Ali
    4. Excel by Leen Shbeilat
    5. Excel & Access by Hind Shaker
    6. Access by Abdulrahman Sawalha
    7. Health Informatics Quiz by Abdelrahman Qadah
    8. Health Informatics FlashCards by Hind Shaker
  7. Test Banks
    1. Testbank ~ problem solving
    2. Testbank ~ Microsoft Excel Except Kappa Statistic
    3. Examl.xlsx (Excel File)
    4. Chart.xlsx (Excel File)
    5. Test.xlsx (Excel File)
    6. Assignment2.xlsx (Excel File)
    7. Assignment 2_Excel.xlsx (Excel File)
    8. Task1_file.xlsx (Excel File)
    9. Testbank ~ Kappa Statistics
    10. Task4.xlsx (Excel File)
    11. Task2_file.xlsx (Excel File)
    12. Testbank - Microsoft Access
    13. Info.Database (Access File)
    14. Inventory.Database (Access File)
    15. Testbank ~ Health Informatics
    16. Testbank - powerpoint presentation
    17. Creativity.pptx (powerpoint presentation File )
    18. Energy.pptx (powerpoint presentation File )
    19. All Assignment & Tasks Solution by Hind Shaker