JU Announcement

Dear all, your Final Exam will be held on Monday 27/1/2025 at 9:00 am.
The Exam Material is 20 Lectures & 5 Activities – 8-9Qs on each week :
🔗 9 Lectures & 1 Activity of Biostatistics Material
🔗 5 Lectures & 2 Activities of Medical Research Material
🔗 3 Lectures & 1 Activity of Maternal and Child Health Material
🔗3 Lectures & 1 Activity of Environmental and Occupational Health Material
Good luck


تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات | قائمة عطاء

  1. Dr. Hana’s Slides
    1. Introduction to Biostatistics
    2. Population and Sampling
    3. Types of Variables
    4. Basic Concepts of Descriptive Statistics
    5. Measures of Non-central Location and Measures of Dispersion
    6. Descriptive Presentation of the Data (updated)
    7. Probability (updated)
    8. Standard Normal Distribution (updated)
    9. Hypothesis Testing (updated again)
  2. Activity - SPSS is Not Required
    1. Statistics: Basics – Epidemiology & Biostatistics - Video
    2. Learn how to code your data in SPSS - Video
    3. Descriptive Statistics Examples and SPSS analysis - Slides
    4. Running and Interpreting Chi-Square on SPSS - Video
    5. Running and Interpreting an Independent-Sample t-test on SPSS - Video
    6. Running and Interpreting Dependent (Paired) Sample t-test on SPSS - Video
    7. Biostatistics Activity MCQ
  3. Activities Sheets
    1. Sheets for All Activities (Pages 7-18 (SPSS) Not Required for Exam)
  4. Dr. Hana’s Lectures
    1. Lec 1: Introduction to Biostatistics - Live Lecture
    2. Lec 2: Population and Sampling Types - Live Lecture
    3. Lec 3: Types of Variables - Live Lecture
    4. Lec 4: Basic Concepts of Descriptive Statistics - Live Lecture
    5. Lec 5: Measures of Non-central Location and Measures of Dispersion - Live Lecture
    6. Lec 6: Descriptive Presentation of Data - Live Lecture
    7. Lec 7: Probability - Live Lecture
    8. Lec 8: Standard Normal Distribution - Live Lecture
    9. Lec 9: Hypothesis Testing - Live Lecture
  5. Additional Files & Notes
    1. Notes for Statistics: Basics – Epidemiology & Biostatistics (Activity) by Anonymous
    2. Summary for Equations in Biostatistics by Mays Aljundi
  6. Past Papers
    1. Past Papers Questions for Biostatistics (Lec1-6)