JU Announcement

Dear All , your First Exam will be held on 2/12/2023
Exam Material : ◊ Ch3 ◊ Ch5 ◊ Ch7 ◊ Ch8

& your Second Exam will be held on 23/12/2023
Exam Material : ◊ Ch6 ◊ Ch10 

& your Final Exam will be held on 28/01/2023
Exam Material : 🔻All Material🔻

📢 Join Studying group on Telegram, so you don’t miss any important news! : CLICK HERE  

تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق لجان الدفعات

  1. Biology info.
    1. Syllabus
    2. Syllabus Modifications for Ch16&17
    3. رموز دفعة ٠٢١
    4. رموز دفعة ٠٢٢
    5. رموز دفعة ٠٢٣
  2. Slides
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water
    2. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
    3. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.1)
    4. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.2)
    5. Ch8: Cell Membranes
    6. Ch6: Energy and Life
    7. Ch10: Cell Respiration
    8. Ch11: photosynthetic processes
    9. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance
    10. Ch17: Expression of Genes
  3. Modified Slides by Muthanna Khalil
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water
    2. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
    3. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions
    4. Ch8: Cell Membranes
    5. Ch6: Energy and Life
    6. Ch10: Cell Respiration
    7. Ch11: photosynthetic processes
    8. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance
    9. Ch17: Expression of Genes
  4. Booknote (with translated)
    1. Ch3: The Chemistry of Water
    2. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
    3. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions
    4. Ch8: Cell Membranes
    5. Ch6: Energy and Life
    6. Ch10: Cell Respiration
    7. Ch11: photosynthetic processes
    8. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance
    9. Ch17: Expression of Genes
  5. Dr Samih Tamimi Lectures
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (pt.1)
    2. Ch3: The Chemistry of Water (pt.2)
    3. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.1)
    4. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.2)
    5. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.3)
    6. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.4)
    7. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.1)
    8. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.2)
    9. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.3)
    10. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.1)
    11. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.2)
    12. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.3)
    13. Ch6: Energy and Life (pt.1)
    14. Ch6: Energy and Life (pt.2)
    15. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.1)
    16. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.2)
    17. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.3)
    18. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.4)
    19. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.5)
    20. Ch11: photosynthetic processes (pt.1)
    21. Ch11: photosynthetic processes (pt.2)
    22. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (pt.1)
    23. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (pt.2)
    24. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (pt.3)
    25. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.1)
    26. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.2)
    27. All Lectures (Recorded)
  6. Dr. Mamoon Al-Rshaidat Lectures
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (pt.1)
    2. Ch3: The Chemistry of Water (pt.2)
    3. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.1)
    4. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.2)
    5. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.3)
    6. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (pt.4)
    7. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.1)
    8. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.2)
    9. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.3)
    10. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.1)
    11. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.2)
    12. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.3)
    13. Ch6: Energy and Life (pt.1)
    14. Ch6: Energy and Life (pt.2)
    15. Ch6: Energy and Life (pt.3)
    16. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.1)
    17. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.2)
    18. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.3)
    19. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.4)
    20. Ch10: Cell Respiration (pt.5)
    21. Ch11: photosynthetic processes (pt.1)
    22. Ch11: photosynthetic processes (pt.2)
    23. Ch11: photosynthetic processes (pt.3)
    24. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (pt.1)
    25. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (pt.2)
    26. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.1)
    27. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.2)
    28. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.3)
    29. Ch17: Expression of Genes (pt.4)
  7. Other Videos
    1. Enas Alkurdi Videos - All Chapters
    2. Hadeel Al-Kayed Vedios - All Chapters
    3. Ahmed Al-Haj Videos - All Chapters
    4. Mohammed Omari Videos - All Chapters
    5. Momen Al-Tamimi Videos - Ch3,5,7,8,6,10
    6. AbdAlrahman Froukh Videos - Ch3,5,7&8
  8. Other Notebook
    1. Hadeel Al-Kayed Notebook
    2. Mohammad Omari Notebook
    3. Momen Al-Tamimi Notebook
    4. Way to 100 Notebook
  9. Self Study Material ( Videos & Notebook)
    1. Videos - Assignment 1 (Acidification) & Assignment 2 (Microscope)
    2. Notebook - Assignment 1 - Ch3 (Acidification)
    3. Notebook - Assignment 2 - Ch7 (Microscope)
  10. 023 Students' Summaries & NoteBooks
    1. Ch3&5 by Lujain Khamis
    2. Ch5 by Omar Ahmad
    3. Ch5 by Raghad Yahya
    4. Ch6 by Ahmad Yousef
    5. Ch3,5,7,8 & DNA Replication by Anonymous member
    6. Ch3,5,7,8,6&10 by Ahmad Al- Qwasmi
    7. Ch6,7&8 by Mohammad Omoush
    8. Ch7,8,11,16&17 by Hind Shaker
    9. Ch11&16 by Mahmoud Alabsi
    10. Ch16 by Raya Al-Weshah
    11. Scientists & Discoveries by Qutaibah & Abdalaziz
    12. All Material by Zain Alanai
  11. Test Banks
    1. Ch3,5,7,8
    2. Ch6,10
    3. All Chapters
    4. All Chapters
    5. All Chapters
    6. All Chapters
    7. All Chapters
    8. Campbell TestBanks
  12. Past papers
    1. First Exams (020-023) - Ch3,5,7&8
    2. Second Exams (020-023) - Ch6&10
    3. Final Exams (020-023) - All Chapters