JU Announcement

Dear all, your Mid Exam will be held on Monday 2/12/2024 at 4:00 pm.
The Exam Material is: –

Lec1: Introduction to Epidemiology
Lec2: Disease Causation
Lec3: Natural History of Diseases (Required slides in the exam: 1-24)
Lec4: Incident and Prevalence
Lec5: Association and Causation (Required slides in the exam: 1-21)
Activity1: History of Epidemiology (legionnaire’s disease – Not Required)
Activity2: Measures of Association in Epidemiology
Healthcare Management
Lec1: Health Management Introduction
Lec2: Management and Motivation
Lec3: Strategic in Healthcare (Required slides in the exam: 1-3, 9-11, 25-29)
Activity: Organizational Structure in Healthcare
Maternal and Child Health
Lec1: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.1)
Lec2: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.2)
Lec3: Maternal and Child Health (Pt.3)
Activity: Definitions of Pregnancy – Related and Maternal Mortality
Primary Health Care
Lec1: Introduction to Primary Healthcare
Lec2: Basic Concepts of Primary Health Care
Lec3: Health Education
Activity: Declaration of Astana
Good Luck!


تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات | قائمة عطاء

  1. Dr. Rania Albsoul Slides
    1. Health Management Introduction
    2. Management and Motivation
    3. Strategic Planning in Healthcare
    4. Strategic Planning in Healthcare (ONLY Required)
  2. Dr. Rania Albsoul Lectures
    1. Lec 1: Health Management Introduction - live lecture
    2. Lec 2: Management and Motivation - live Lecture
    3. Lec 3: Management and Motivation (Pt.2) & Strategic in Healthcare - live lecture
  3. Activity
    1. Organizational Structure in Healthcare - Video
    2. Questions & Answers for Organizational Structure in Healthcare by Bashar Khraisat
  4. Activity Modified
    1. Organizational Structure in Healthcare
  5. Additional Files & Notes
    1. Translated slides for Health Management Introduction by Dina Tawalbeh
    2. Translated slides for Management and Motivation by Anonymous
    3. Translated slides for Strategic Planning in Healthcare by Anonymous
    4. Text version of Organizational Structure in Healthcare (Activity) by Anonymous
    5. Translated modified slides for Organizational Structure in Healthcare (Activity) by Anonymous
    6. Translated slides for Health Services Management Material by Abdalhaleem AlSalamat
    7. Summary for important dates & info. in Health Service Management by Abdalhaleem AlSalamat
  6. Test Banks
    1. Test bank for Health Management Introduction by Masa Btoush
    2. Test bank for Health Management Introduction by Khaled Ghanayem
    3. Test bank for Management and Motivation by Khaled Ghanayem
    4. Test bank for Strategic in Healthcare by Khaled Ghanayem
    5. Test bank for Organizational Structure in Healthcare (Activity) by Anonymous
  7. Past Papers
    1. Past Papers Questions for Health Services Management Material